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An Unusual Beetle Golden Turtle
An Unusual Beetle Golden Turtle,Beetle Golden Turtle
(Charidotella sexpunctata) is highly distributed in North America. Insect sizes
only 5-7 mm in length and has a golden color of the shell.

The golden tortoise beetle is a very dazzling
beetle. elders are about one-fourth inch long, circular in shape with a flattening ridge
bordering the body, concealing the head and legs much like a tortoise. What is
notable about the adult golden tortoise beetle is the color. In spring and
summer, the beetles earn their name when they turn the color of brilliant liquid
gold. The color is generated by an optical illusion; the external cuticle
is transparent and reflects light through a layer of liquid over the next layer
of cuticle. The beetles change color depending on the availability of the liquid
layer. In the fall and winter, the beetles become less bright and are more
orange and bronze with flashes of iridescent color. If you try and collect the
beetle for an insect collection, the beetle soon turns dark brown as is dries,
loosing the golden color. The beetles are most beautiful left alive.