World's top eight unusual plants
Drakaea glyptodon
Drakaea is an orchid that is native to Australia. Orchids in this species are generally called "Hammer Orchids". A very interesting little orchid that believes on small native wasps to fertilize the flowers. The flowers give off a pheromone like scent that mimics a female wasp in order to attract the male.
The famed flower plant known for its gigantic size, rotten-meat fragrance and phallic shape. Amorphophallus titanum also known as the "corpse plant," "corpse flower" and "titan arum" which grows to 20 feet high.
Hydnora africana
Hyndora africana is one of the most bizarre-looking plants on the African continent and absolutely not the most common of plants to be encountered in the veld on any casual hike.
Rafflesia arnoldii
The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This unusual flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or stem. It bonds itself to a host plant to obtain water and nutrients. When in bloom, the Rafflesia eliminates a repulsive odor, similar to that of rotting meat. This odor attracts insects that pollinate the plant.
Dracunculus vulgaris
A dashing, good looking plant but don't stand too close when the flower is set for pollination.
Wolffia angusta
Wolffia angusta, the tiny green specks growing between Spirodela polyrhiza and Azolla filiculoides.Wolffia angusta is one of the smallest flowering plants in the world.